World Environment Day: Are you in?

Today I wanted to tell everyone that World Environment Day is quickly approaching. On Jun 5 people from all over the world will be participating in World Environment Day. As the United Nations puts it:

World Environment Day is also a day for people from all walks of life
to come together to ensure a cleaner, greener and brighter
outlook for themselves and future generations

The whole world’s doing it and so should you. So what are you going to be doing on World Environment Day?

Get Ready for Rio+20

I am excited to join the discussion on sustainable, green, and clean energy at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (or simply Rio+20) starting this June 20.

For those of you who want to know what Rio+20 is, I’ll be giving you all a brief summary

Thousands of participants from governments, the private sector, NGOs and other stakeholders will be gathering at Rio de Janeiro to push for sustainable development across the world. They are addressing two themes at the conference

(a) a green economy in the context of sustainable development poverty eradication
and (b) the institutional framework for sustainable development

In other words, world members are getting together to make the world go green through sustainable development which, if all goes according to plan, will eradicate poverty and help developing nations dig out of that grave called poverty.

 Today I will be starting the 21 day countdown until we talk sustainable at Rio+20. I encourage all readers to take a moment and think about all the issues that the world needs to discuss in order to start this Green Clean Revolution

Here are critical issues that will be tackled at Rio+20





Clean Water


Natural Disasters